Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June Minutes

SLC Meeting
June 9, 2010

The School Leadership Council meeting was held on Tuesday, June 9, 2010.
The meeting was called to order by Ms. Stacker at 3:20 pm. The minutes were read by
Mrs. Hawkins-Woody and a motion was passed by Ms. Rudd to have the minutes
accepted with the necessary corrections. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Rush.

Attendance: Ms. Pack, Ms. Stacker, Mrs. Hawkins-Woody, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Parker, Ms. Rudd,
Mrs. Rush, Ms. Harris, Mrs. Gornicz
Guest: Ms. Brown, Ms. Harris,

Subcommittee Reports

¯ Curriculum: The Awards Week is the week of June 21st. The Theme was voted on by
the staff and “Bright Stars of Tomorrow” was chosen. Each grade will perform a song by
grade level at their Awards ceremony.

¯ Safety and Climate: The state of the building is basically the same as the conditions
reported in all other reports made throughout the year. The roof continues to hold after
its repair. The cleanliness is still not up to the standards it should be and added to this is
the heat which causes the smells emanating from the sewers increase. Although the
insect and rodent problem is being handled by the custodial department to the best of
their ability the infestation hasd increased in the basement portion of the building. There
has also been complaints of a lack of sufficient electrical outlets in the basement
classrooms, the complaints are a simple matter of added computers in this area which
in use causes a surge and knocks out the power.

¯ Parent Involvement: This month will include the following:
Ø Father’s Day Luncheon 6/18/10
Ø The 4th Grade Formal Dance 6/18/10

¯ Positive Behavior Support: This year’s Fun Day is scheduled for 6/18/10.

¯ Technology: No Report Available

¯ Staff Development: Staff development has been completed for the year.

Principal’s Report: No Report Available

Fundraising: Ideas were suggested for more fundraisers for next year. (ie. 50/50 raffle)

Employee of the Month: The Employee of the Month incentive will begin in September 2010. The Employee of the Month can come from any category in the building.

Mentoring: Ms. Joan Harris wants to implement a mentoring program to begin September 2010.

Spring Open Forum: Next year’s Spring Open Forum will be the same as this year.

School Improvements: Pioneers Partnership and Verizon will be painting a map on the school playground. The date for this event is still pending.

Team-Building: There was a discussion about implementing a Social Committee to help increase Team-Building Morale in the school.

Questions/Concerns: There were no questions or concerns.

Closure: A motion was passed by Ms. Rudd to have the meeting adjourned and Ms. Stacker 2nd the motion. The meeting adjourned at 3:45 pm.