Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Minutes March 10,2010

The School Leadership Council Fall Open Forum was held on Thursday, January 21, 2010. The meeting was called to order by Ms. Stacker at 3:25 pm. The minutes were read by Mrs. Hawkins-Woody and a motion was passed by Mrs. Summers-Johnson to have the minutes accepted with the necessary corrections. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gornicz.

Attendance: Ms. Pack, Ms. Stacker, Mrs. Hawkins-Woody, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Gornicz, Mrs. Parker, Ms. Rudd, Mrs. Summers-Johnson

Subcommittee Reports

Curriculum: The Curriculum and African Heritage Planning Committee Meeting was held on
Thursday January 14, 2010. The committee decided to have Mrs. Joan Harris create a Black History Month packet to make sure all classes cover the most important areas of the black experience. The cost for the Africa Story Teller is going to be $350.00. The PTA is going to give a portion of the money; Ms. Bynes already has $85.00 and we are looking for donations to help complete the cost. Teachers are signing up for the Black History Month Assemblies and everything is going well Mrs. Summers- Johnson created a calendar that will be sent home to inform all the parents of the various assemblies and events taking place at Camden Street School.

*The League will be sponsoring a “Nickel Drive” for Haiti Earthquake relief
*Teachers Aides and Paraprofessionals will be participating in a blacks in wax
museum that will be held in the Parent Academy
*There is a variety show on Friday Feb. 5th
*The Annual PTA Fashion show on Feb. 26
*Michael Jackson Tribute on Feb. 18th and 19th

Safety and Climate: There have been complaints of the heat in the Gym. One side is too hot the other too cold. The temperature can not be regulated. The new roof which was installed last year seems to have withstood the first storm of the season and another which occurred during winter break with no reported incidents. The custodial staff is trying to address the problems of cleanliness addressed last month. Upon our return after the break custodial personnel have been seen visiting classrooms to ascertain which rooms require treatment for rodents and insects, but the overall cleanliness remains an issue. Any complaints should be put in writing and submitted to the committee and the committee will submit them to Ms. Pack.

¯ Parent Involvement: Mrs. Joan Harris presented a workshop on making the connection between home and school. 10 parents came out to the workshop and it was a very informative and a great success. Mrs. Harper is still working with each teacher to ensure that each child has a signed Discipline Policy sheet in their file. Suggestions for helping to get the parents to come out are a Friday night movie night. The students and their come out ready to watch a movie and eat popcorn their pajamas.

¯ Positive Behavior Support: Last fundraiser for Positive Behavior was a success. The Positive Behavior Committee is submitting forms for certificates for the children. The last event was Popcorn and a Movie; the next may be Pizza and game time. Ms. K is looking into getting donations for pizza for outside sources.

Technology: No Report Available

¯ Staff Development: No Report Available

¯ Principal’s Report: No Report Available

Celebrity Read: Celebrity Read will take place on February 11, 2010 from 8:30AM-11:30AM. Readers will read with the children and then share how the story relates to their life. If you know anyone who would like to participate in Celebrity Read submit their names to Ms. Rudd

Fundraising Ideas:
Mrs. Rush has offered to cook for the Spring Open Forum
Sell Dinners
Soup Day
Sell “Entertainment Books”
Get sponsors .Ex. Capital One Bank

Questions/Concerns: No questions or concerns

Closure: A motion was passed by Mrs. Hawkins-Woody to have the meeting adjourned and
Mrs. Parker 2nd the motion. The meeting adjourned at 4:20 pm.

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