Monday, February 8, 2010

Minutes 12/09

SLC Meeting
December 10, 2010

The School Leadership Council Fall Open Forum was held on Thursday, December 10, 2009.
The meeting was called to order by Ms. Stacker at 3:23 pm. The minutes were read by
Mrs. Hawkins-Woody and a motion was passed by Ms. Rudd to have the minutes accepted with
the necessary corrections. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gornicz.

Attendance: Ms. Pack, Ms. Stacker, Mrs. Hawkins-Woody, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Gornicz,
Mrs. Parker, Ms. Rudd, Mrs. Summers-Johnson

Subcommittee Reports

¯ Curriculum: Items discussed at the Curriculum Committee meeting were:
Data: Each grade level selected a test that would be used for the data wall display in
Literacy and Math; Progressive Writing Wall: November writing should be on display
now, December writing should be on display by December 18th; Science: Assessments
will be administered the week of December 14th; Reading Dragon: Students will
continue to read various books for the reading dragon display on the 1st floor near the
Nurses’ office; African Heritage Month Theme: “Heal the World” is the theme for
African Heritage Month 2010. Students will perform every Friday in February from
9:15-10:15a.m. Also the McDonald’s singing group was contacted in November however
I am still waiting on them to confirm a date in February.

¯ Safety and Climate: After a meeting with the members of Building Health and Safety
Sub- Committee and issuing a building survey dealing with the overall cleanliness and
safety of Camden Street School it has been noted that there are certain issues that need to
be addressed. Issues included: Sweeping and Mopping of classrooms within the pass
week, Mice/Cockroaches and other droppings, Bathroom Cleanliness/ Smells/
Supplies, Temperature in classrooms too hot/cold, Daily dust mopping of classrooms,
Locks on closets for the security of supplies and personal belongings, The conditions
of classroom sinks and fountains, trashcans/ are they emptied each day and clean liners
supplied daily, Leaks/stains/mold buildup-ceilings-under sinks etc…, Classroom supplies of hand soap and paper towels. Under discussion at the meeting was accountability, pertaining to the cleaning of the building. Teachers should stand accountable for the reporting of issues of cleanliness by filing a request form to the custodial department or notifying a custodian of lack of supplies in classrooms or bathrooms. It is the responsibility of the custodial staff (day and night crew) to maintain the overall cleanliness of the building.

¯ Parent Involvement: West Regional Parent Liaisons need workshops. West Ward Collective Parent Survey is being passed out to help boost parent involvement. Mrs. Harper is working with each teacher to ensure that each child has a signed Discipline Policy sheet in their file by December 20, 2009.

¯ Positive Behavior Support: No Report Available

¯ Technology: Classroom Teacher Initiative (CTI) - Sixty five (65) administrative computers were installed in the classrooms and teachers were trained in their use; New computers are installed in all first and second grade classes both regular and special education. The image needs to be installed on these machines; Ms. Baird is in charge of the computer fair project. She is supervising the technology team (students) in preparation for the district wide fair. The theme this
year is “Lesson Makeover”.

¯ Staff Development: No Report Available

Principal’s Report: Monies from the budget used for books and educational field trips only. A bulletin board indicating progress on test data must be visible. Any type of data can be used. The Literacy Dragon must be displayed immediately. Test data to be displayed in the front lobby in the form of a collage. SLC required to come up with the criteria for “Teacher of the Month” as a form of staff recognition. The recipient will receive a certificate and picture. Some suggestions were: “Cougar of the Month” and the recipient will need to represent the 6 Pillars of Character. The 6 Pillars of Character are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.

Order for the Year/Incentive for Students and Staff: These are a lost of areas in which incentives ere either needed or provided for last SY 2008-2009.
1. Staff Appreciation- Breakfast, pins, buttons etc.
2. Spring Open Forum- incentives/rewards for the children, or toys, small door prizes for the parents
3. Celebrity Read- Certificates, pins, food
4. Spelling Bee- provided awards in the following categories a winner for each grade level (gift cards, etc)
5. Essay Contest- provided awards in the following categories a winner for each grade level (gift cards, etc)
6. NJASK- can provide some incentives to motivate the students related to the test
7. Employee of the Month- to increase the schools overall morale and motivation to work
A draft was presented for the Employee of the Month incentive. Nomination forms need to be generated. The SLC will meet on December 21, 2009 @ 7:15AM to make final decision on Employee of the Month incentive.

Questions/Concerns: No questions or concerns

Closure: A motion was passed by Mrs. Summers-Johnson to have the meeting adjourned and
Mrs. Gornicz 2nd the motion. The meeting adjourned at 4:11 pm.

Agenda 12/09

December 10, 2009

1. Sign In
2. Review of Minutes
3. Sub-Committee Reports
4. Order for the Year/Incentives for Students and Staff
5. Questions/Concerns
6. Closure

December 21, 2009

1. Sign In
2. Employee of the month criteria
3. Questions/Concerns
4. Closure

Minutes 11/09

SLC Meeting
November 18, 2009

The School Leadership Council Fall Open Forum was held on Wednesday, November 18, 2009.
The meeting was called to order by Ms. Stacker at 5:05 pm. The minutes were read by
Mrs. Hawkins-Woody, translated into Spanish by Ms. Milian and a motion was passed by
Mrs. Summers-Johnson to have the minutes accepted with the necessary corrections. The motion
was seconded by Mrs. Gornicz.

Attendance: Ms. Pack, Ms. Stacker, Mrs. Hawkins-Woody, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Summers–Johnson,
Mrs. Parker, Ms. Harris, Ms. Rudd, Mrs. Bishop

After a light dinner the meeting was called to order and Ms. Stacker introduced the members of
the SLC. There was a discussion on the roles and responsibilities of the constituency. Ms. Rudd
described the roles and responsibilities.

Questions/Concerns: There were no questions or concerns.

Closure: A motion was passed by Mrs. Summers-Johnson to have the meeting adjourned and
Mrs. Gornicz 2nd the motion. The meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm.

Agenda and Minutes10/09

October 14, 2009

· Sign In

· Review of Minutes

· Sub-Committee Reports

· November Newsletter

· Fall Open Forum November 18, 2009

· Question/Concerns

· Closure

SLC Meeting
October 14, 2009

The School Leadership Council meeting was held on Wednesday, October 14, 2009. The
meeting was called to order by Ms. Stacker at 3:23 pm. The minutes were read by
Mrs. Hawkins-Woody and a motion was passed by Mrs. Summers-Johnson to have the
minutes accepted with the necessary corrections. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gornicz.

Attendance: Ms. Pack, Ms. Stacker, Mrs. Hawkins-Woody, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Summers–Johnson,
Mrs. Parker, Ms. Harris, Ms. Rudd, Mrs. Bishop

Subcommittee Reports

¯ Curriculum: Need Report
¯ Safety and Climate: Work that began on the roof in July suffered extended delay
due to inclement weather. At present work continues after 1:00 pm due to health
concerns to the staff and students breathing in fumes from the work being done. This
will create a further delay. Hopefully we will see completion during the winter of this

¯ Parent Involvement: The NTU is offering to send free books to any parents who
want them for their children. The maximum that can be sent by mail is two (2), but if
you visit the NTU in person you may be given up to 20+ books. To date the response for the
free books has been excellent. EPIC workshops have been extended to Dec. 3, 2009
due to schools closing on Nov. 5, 2009. EPIC workshops will be held in the Parent
Academy from 9am -11am. Ms. Rudd has agreed to give a workshop on “Bullying”
date to be announced. Mrs. Harper is continuing to recruit staff in an effort to get
more workshops for our parents.

¯ Positive Behavior Support: Activities include “Rolls, Coffee and Tea” on Nov 17,2009
a certificate will be given to the student who has displayed the most positive behavior for the month. School store is still going strong. Students receive Camden Cash for the following:
Perfect Attendance, Student of the Month, and Most Improved.

¯ Technology: Need Report
¯ Staff Development: Equity training was provided to all instructional and non-instructional staff on Sept. 15, 16, 18, 22, 2009. The objectives of the training included the following: Preventing Sexual Harassment, Preventing Employment Discrimination, Disability Awareness, Blood Pathogens and Bullying and Intimidation. The next staff development will take place, October 21, 2009. The themes for that staff development are yet to be determined.

Principal’s Report: Monies from the budget used for books and educational field trips only. A bulletin board indicating progress on test data must be visible. Any type of data can be used. The Literacy Dragon must be displayed immediately. Test data to be displayed in the front lobby in the form of a collage. SLC required to come up with the criteria for “Teacher of the Month” as a form of staff recognition. The recipient will receive a certificate and picture. Some suggestions were: “Cougar of the Month” and the recipient will need to represent the 6 Pillars of Character. The 6 Pillars of Character are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.

Fall Open Forum: This year’s Fall Open Forum will take place on November 18, 2009, 5:00 PM - 6:00PM. At the Open Forum we will explain our committee and introduce the members of the SLC. A Gift card Basket will be raffled off at the Open Forum.

April Open Forum: Mrs. Summers-Johnson’s church would like to adopt our school.

Informer: The 1st. installment of the Informer is due in November.

Questions/Concerns: Is Mrs. Lee returning to the SLC. The SLC members will send a “Thinking of You” card.

Closure: A motion was passed by Mrs. Summers-Johnson to have the meeting adjourned and
Mrs. Gornicz 2nd the motion. The meeting adjourned at 4:11 pm.