Friday, September 25, 2009

SLC Meeting Minutes June 22, 2009

The School Leadership Council meeting was held on Monday, June 22, 2009. The meeting was called to order by Ms. Stacker at 4:20 PM. The minutes were read by each member silently and a motion was passed by Mrs. Summers-Johnson to have the minutes accepted with the necessary corrections. The motion was seconded by Mrs. McCloud.

Attendance: Ms. Pack, Ms. Stacker, Mrs. Hawkins-woody, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Summers-Johnson, Mrs. Connolly, Mrs. Gornicz, Mrs. Parker and Mrs. McCloud.

Subcommittee Reports:
  • Curriculum: No Report Available
  • Safety and Climate: No Report Available
  • Parent Involvement: No Report Available
  • Positive Behavior Support: No Report Available
  • Technology: No Report Available
  • Staff Development: No Report Available

Ideas for Next Year: The following ideas were discussed for next year.

  • Team up with another organization for the Open Forum
  • Tricky Tray
  • Cougar T-Shirt
  • School Dance
  • Honor Roll stickers for parents
  • Basket Raffle
  • Have staff members wear uniforms to help encourage children

Open SLC Positions: Mrs. Bishop (parent), has accepted the position of SLC Parent Constituent.

Questions/Concerns: There were no questions or concerns.

Closure: A motion was passed by Mrs. Stacker to have the meeting adjourned and Mrs. Summers-Johnson 2nd the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 PM.